To think that I dislike honey is funny, to think again that I've accustomed myself to glaze my grills with honey is amazing...I'll specifically request this recipe be tried on a Sunday...Its so easy and it tastes amazing.
This Dish is a breakfast know...sipping a cup of green tea with this delicious meal makes it even more awesome.
3 tablespoons of Honey1 tablespoon of soy sauce
2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce
2 tablespoons of ketchup
medium sized onions
parsley, mint leaves and thyme spices
chilli pepper and salt to taste
sweet potatoes
2 tablespoon of canola oil
Cut potatoes into desired shape and rinseIn a bowl, mix the spices and sauces together (I literally just checked my kitchen wardrobe to see any spice left and i mixed them all up)
Stir the potatoes together with the sauce mixture
Heat oven at 200 degree Celsius
In the grilling pan, add oil and place potatoes
Allow to grill/cook for 20-30 minutes or until potatoes are brown in colour
Awwwn, Thank you for kind words Tanisha. I hope to share more wonderful recipes.:)